Life in the Raynesque. Rayn all over my senses. The fragrance Rayning through my soul.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Before I really start off writing, let me give you an overview of Raynesque. Well, not actually the content, because that would be a spolier. But something about the design, because its something most people tend to misunderstand nowadays.

The most common problem, especially among bloggers is that they are compromising too much on efficiency in a massive all-out bid to make their websites more alluring. This is really unfortunate as efficiency is something that is the core of a design. And a design is totally different from an artwork. I too was suffering from this problem because I have this temptation to make things more beautiful and in the process of doing so tend to compromise on efficiency and usability. I knew it wasn't right but all the same didnt stop doing so. So its one of my major New Year resolutions apart from starting this blog.

So basically, the site was designed with virtually no image content and depending almost entirely on typography and colour scheme to maintain a quality of design and class, and at the same time making things most efficient. Also easy and eye-friendly readability was given prime priority. Though the classing Grey/Black text on white or similar colour schemes tend to be simplistic and have a class of their own, they are mostly stressful to the eye especially for long sessions. This was considered and hence an almost monochromatic Shades of Violet colour scheme was used which was quite stress free with the hybrid cooling effect of blue and focus of red; and dark tones were preferred aiding this even more.

Further, efficiency isnt just about loading lighting fast on a dial-up connection or providing finger touch navigation. There is something even more important to be considered, and that is energy efficiency. Its like this, an all white web page uses about 74 watts of electric energy while an all black one used just about 59 watts. Guess what would be the change when a site say a blog is read atleast for a few minutes by say a 100 people a day. Well that should go of an average blog, but what about the more popular blogs ? And what about a site like google ? Well some guys though about it and the result is a whopping 750 Megawatts a year. Lets not go to that extend, but still consider what slight it may be, the enrgy saved by giving a site a darker colour scheme - a totally harmless resoultion for most. Thats another thing I considered before designing the template.
So think about it and try to make whatever small changes you can.

1 comment:

  1. This was considered and hence an almost monochromatic Shades of Violet colour scheme was used which was quite stress free with the hybrid cooling effect of blue and focus of red; and dark tones were preferred aiding this even more.

    what the hell was that?? and the energy saving stuff?? where did u come up with that stuff??? oh! and u guys need to just consider the looks, energy efficiency comes to guys like us! :(
    thats the boring stuff :(
